Thursday, May 19, 2011


Okay, so the tittle of this blog may be a wee bit misleading. I'm far from being completely organized...BUT I have found a good way to keep one area organized. If your a quilter, designer, crafter, baker, cooking show host wanna be...anyone....anyone....anyway, I'm sure you tear ideas and recipes out of magazines. For the longest time these ripped out pages of future projects and delicacies were stuffed into drawers, folders, or just laying around with no way of knowing what I actually had. Plus, I found some from what had to be a late 80's early 90's magazine that made me wonder why I ever wanted to make that!
I finally have something to help me. A divided 3-ring binder. Sounds simple. Why didn't I think of this before? I have these as my current sections..."Want" "Ideas" "Recipes" "Buisness Ideas" and "Holiday Ideas". Beside my binder I keep a 3-hole punch and a paper cutter, for those times my tearing technique provides a less than straight edge.

I understand (I'll never get all of these things done) I just don't care!

So they're in the binder, and the magazine is in the recycle bin. Now what? Well my recipe section seems to get the most out of control. So while planning my grocery trip I go to my recipe section and pick out a couple to make. If I like it, it goes to the keeper folder (this is another monster that I'm getting under contol...see an upcoming blog). If I don't, well into the garbage it goes.

Just a little idea that I thought I'd share. You may say, "Well duh! I've done this for years. You're just now figuring this out?". Yes....I'm just now figuring this out.

Well I have 2 Country Living magazines to go through.

Oh, and my sewing, quilting, and painting magazines do not get torn up in general. Maybe if there's a gadget I want but I keep these as whole as possible. :)

Happy Tearing!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. You and I are kindred souls! Who knew? You might like! I love organizing with the Fly Lady! :)
