Wednesday, July 27, 2011

3 Days Makes A Big Difference

My last post was on June 15th. Three days later my world was turned upside-down. My mom was recovering from surgery when her body said, "No more, I'm done." She passed away on the 18th. I am sure I'll post about my emotions about that someday, but not right now. I'm in the library and without a box of Kleenex.

Mom and I had big plans for when she recovered. We had toyed around with opening a sewing lounge. She said when she was back on her feet we would do something to get us closer to that goal. I have wanted to have a career in something I love. It is scary though. What if no one comes? It's a lot of work and risk to do something different. But if you're right... if you discover a way to meet a hit the jackpot. There is no way of knowing though. That's why it is a risk. Besides that, where do you start? The laws governing a business are enough to make most people run and scream....that's not even talking about the tax laws. I just want to make a living, being my own boss, doing something I love. Is that too much to ask? It seems it might be for right now. So how about just doing something I love? I have some resume's and cover letters out and about. I need a bite!
Next post will hopefully be of a new finished quilt! I am still sewing of course. :)

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